Google MeetFAQ client

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Comment puis-je contacter le service client Google Meet ?

La question qui nous est le plus souvent posée concerne la manière de parler au service client de Google Meet. Cliquez ici pour obtenir les coordonnées, les options de courrier électronique et de chat, trouver une personne en direct, les temps d'attente et plus encore.

Comment partager mon écran sur Google Meet?

Google Meet est une application Web qui permet la visioconférence pour des dizaines de personnes. Vous pouvez partager un écran avec les participants à la réunion...
Posez toutes vos questions sur le service client de Google Meet et obtenez une réponse maintenant.

Questions récentes de Google Meet clients

Help with recovering deleted messages

Unfortunately, Google Meet does not have a feature to recover deleted messages. If messages or the text from a chat in a meeting are deleted, they can't be retrieved. This is because Google Meet doesn't store chat text from meetings. It's suggested to back up important information from your chats or meetings elsewhere for safekeeping.
Demandé Apr 17, 2024 7:17 PM

Today I attended a meeting through your program and forgot to register it. Can I find it registered with you?

Meetings in Google Meet are not automatically recorded; the organizer or a member of the same organization should manually start the recording after the meeting begins. If no one started a recording during the meeting, then sadly, there will not be a recorded copy available. Remember to start the recording next time if it's crucial for your needs.
Demandé Apr 8, 2024 2:53 PM

Do you get a whiteboard with Google meets

Yes, Google Meet does offer a whiteboard feature through Google Jamboard. When you're in a meeting, you can click on the three-dot menu and select "Whiteboard." From there, click on "Start a new whiteboard" and everyone in the meeting can collaborate on it in real time. You can draw, write, add images, and use various shapes. The workspace is saved to Google Drive, making it accessible for future reference. Please note that the availability of this feature may vary based on your Google Workspace edition.
Demandé Apr 8, 2024 1:49 PM

My phone calls go to another account

It seems like you're trying to figure out why your phone calls are being directed to another account. It's important to clarify though, Google Meet is primarily a video conferencing application and does not manage phone calls. Therefore, this issue might be caused by a setting in your phone service provider or on another application you're using for phone calls. Check the settings in your phone call application or contact your service provider to ensure you've correctly set up your call forwarding and voicemail services. If this is a Google Voice issue, ensure you're signed in with the correct Google account.
Demandé Mar 26, 2024 5:35 PM

This phone number can't be used to sign up for a Google Voice number. Try verifying with another number.

This message typically appears when trying to set up a Google Voice number and the system doesn't accept your number. Google Voice does not accept certain types of phone numbers such as VoIP, prepaid mobile numbers, or landline numbers for verification. It requires a mobile number provided by a traditional mobile carrier. If you meet these criteria but are still getting this message, it could be that the number you're using to sign up has been used with Google Voice before. In this situation, you must use a different phone number to sign up.
Demandé Mar 23, 2024 10:08 PM

Aidez-moi à résoudre mon Google Meet problème avec le service client


Comment modifier l'arrière-plan sur Google Meet?

Si vous souhaitez modifier l'arrière-plan de Google Meet, l'option d'extension Google Meet est l'une de vos meilleures options. Arrière-plans virtuels...

Comment créer un arrière-plan Google Meet personnalisé?

Créer un arrière-plan Google Meet personnalisé est simple. Après vous être connecté à la console d'administration Google, utilisez l'option « Paramètres » pour appliquer un arrière-plan...


Comment utiliser Google Meet?

GetHuman est une entreprise qui s'efforce de résoudre les problèmes des clients via des guides simples à suivre. De plus, nous fournissons un moyen de...


Comment télécharger Google Meet?

Les consommateurs peuvent être confrontés à de multiples problèmes de service lorsqu'ils utilisent les produits de différentes entreprises, notamment des problèmes de téléchargement d'applications. C'est...

Screen Sharing

Comment partager mon écran sur Google Meet?

Google Meet est une application Web qui permet la visioconférence pour des dizaines de personnes. Vous pouvez partager un écran avec les participants à la réunion...
Nous examinons les Google Meet problèmes signalés par les clients à GetHuman pour déterminer quelles questions sont les plus courantes et combien de temps consacrer à la recherche de solutions pour les résoudre.
Google Meet problèmes signalés à GetHuman
Table des matières de la FAQ

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