The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about customer service, archive #15. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported December 27, 2021 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
Hello OkCupid, I am shocked that my account was banned overnight, even though I didn't use the app during that time. I am a long-time user with a premium membership, and my account was banned on the same day my premium membership expired. Concerned about a prior hacking incident, I wonder why my account was banned and what happened to my personal data, such as photos and contact information. I have always followed the rules and enjoyed being part of the OkCupid community. I kindly request either reactivation of my account or an explanation for the ban and data security measures taken. The lack of customer support for banned accounts and data protection issues is troubling. If I do not receive a response, I may have to involve legal counsel. I appreciate any assistance you can provide. Thank you. R.T.
Reported by GetHuman-rogertes on सोमवार, २७ दिसम्बर २०२१, सुबह ९:२३ बजे
I specified my preferences to be within a 25-mile radius of [redacted], right outside of Philadelphia, PA. However, I keep receiving matches from distant locations like Canada, Massachusetts, and New York.
This is the third time I am reaching out about this issue. I clearly set my preferences to only see matches within 25 miles, but it's not working correctly.
I would appreciate it if you could address this matter promptly.
Don L.
Reported by GetHuman-dlandolp on गुरूवार, ३० दिसम्बर २०२१, दोपहर ४:५१ बजे
I am kindly requesting a review of my banned account. I believe I did not violate any policies outlined in the provided link. Various individuals have requested to communicate through other applications, but that is the extent of it. Please thoroughly examine the report and my conversations as I have always maintained appropriate conduct. It's worth noting that my twin sister also has an account on the platform, but our individual usage should not be cause for my ban. You can reach me at [redacted] Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-roweeli on शुक्रवार, ३१ दिसम्बर २०२१, रात २:४८ बजे
I believe my account has been unjustly suspended. I carefully reviewed all the terms and policies, which made me concerned that my account may have been hacked or impersonated. I have submitted an appeal seeking an explanation. I am also worried because I had purchased a premium membership through the Apple Store which I was unable to fully utilize. It would be fair if there was a way to refund customers who were banned. While some individuals may deserve to be banned, it is unfair for users to lose money for a service they can no longer access. I kindly request that my account be reactivated or that I receive an explanation for the ban so I can caution others in my blog and magazines about using online dating accounts from Match Group in Turkey.
Reported by GetHuman-gulener on रविवार, ३० जनवरी २०२२, दोपहर ११:४२ बजे
I have been using an OK Cupid account for a while, but suddenly, it got banned without any explanation. The account is under the name Eric or k0ng or k0ngbuster, with the associated email addresses [redacted] or [redacted] My profile features a Caucasian Male with brown/blonde hair and blue eyes. It includes selfies, gaming information, links to my Youtube and Twitch channels, singing talents, and photos of me in t-shirts outdoors. Despite following the rules, I received no reason for the ban. When trying to reset the password, I don't receive the reset email, and I get error code 6 when attempting to use my phone number for a new account. The error message reads: "This number is invalid or already in use. Use another number or login to your account (Error Code 6)." Please contact me at [redacted] for more details.
Reported by GetHuman7190905 on सोमवार, ७ मार्च २०२२, रात ८:३७ बजे
Hello dear members of OkCupid,
I'm hoping this message finds you well. I'm experiencing some difficulties as my account has been locked by your platform.
Recently, with the distressing events unfolding in Ukraine, I felt compelled to spread awareness and foster dialogue within the Russian community. I changed my location to Moscow to engage in conversations with locals, expressing concern but staying respectful. I've been an avid user of OkCupid since the start of the pandemic in [redacted], enjoying the opportunity to connect with people worldwide. It's been a source of enrichment, allowing me to appreciate different cultures and music, ultimately making me a more empathetic person.
I want to emphasize that I have always followed OkCupid's terms of use and never engaged in disrespectful behavior. My intention was to promote understanding and spread love amidst the current global turmoil.
I kindly request for my account to be reinstated so I can continue using the platform to connect with others and share positivity. Thank you for considering my request.
Warm regards,
Reported by GetHuman7199870 on बुधवार, ९ मार्च २०२२, रात ९:२४ बजे
Yesterday, I could use the app without any issues. However, today, I am unable to access my account. The message I received simply said I've been locked out, possibly for violating the terms of use or guidelines. I want to clarify that I have not engaged in any inappropriate behavior. I have not used any offensive language, disrespected others, or harassed anyone. Additionally, I have not shared explicit content, stalked individuals, operated fake accounts, or disclosed personal information. All the images on my account are my own, and I have only one profile. I am also above 18 years old. The only recent activity I performed was uploading a new photo with a blue filter, creating a monochromatic image of me in appropriate attire. Following the upload, the app functioned normally for the rest of the day. I am unsure about the specific violation that led to my account being locked, and I would appreciate a review of my case to rectify any misunderstanding.
Reported by GetHuman-fatedate on शुक्रवार, १८ मार्च २०२२, दोपहर १०:३७ बजे
Hello, I hope you are doing well. I recently got banned from the Okquipid system about a month ago after being a member for a while. I am unsure about the reason for my ban. I truly apologize for not complying with the rules and regulations of Okquipid. If possible, I kindly request to be reinstated. I will carefully review and follow all the guidelines provided by Okquipid to prevent any future issues. I apologize for my behavior and promise to abide by the community rules strictly. Thank you for considering my request for another chance to be a user on Okquipid.
Reported by GetHuman-dalebacc on रविवार, २० मार्च २०२२, दोपहर १२:५० बजे
Hello, I am unable to access my account as I cannot recall the email associated with it. I have tried using my phone number to log in without success. Here are some details to assist in locating my account: I created it in [redacted] under the name Sinkoa. My phone number is +[redacted]7, and I have paid until November [redacted]. I suspect my Google account was used for payments. The email provided is [redacted] I connected with my boyfriend on this platform on April 4th last year. An alternate email could be [redacted], but I am unsure. I usually store my passwords on an app, but have difficulty remembering for this account. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Best regards, P.
Reported by GetHuman-tpub on शुक्रवार, २५ मार्च २०२२, रात ९:३५ बजे
I have been a member of OkCupid for many years, and recently discovered my account has been banned without any explanation. I value the platform's commitment to privacy, but believe it is unfair to ban users without cause, especially when so many others openly violate the rules without consequences.
If the moderation team is unable to provide a valid reason for my ban, I insist on the urgent reinstatement of my account.
I urge OkCupid to restore access to my account without delay.
Reported by GetHuman-idanraz on शुक्रवार, १५ अप्रैल २०२२, दोपहर ११:५६ बजे
Hello Okcupid,
I kindly request your support email instead of navigating a less helpful help section.
I am tired of receiving likes from women in Kenya and spam accounts that try to obtain my number under false pretenses. Recently, a user named Jessie engaged in this scam by providing a number that only accepts texts, not calls.
This individual promptly removed themselves from Okcupid after I realized the deception. Additionally, the message section of the app consistently displays a notification when there are actually no messages.
It is concerning that after sharing a new number, I received spam calls, such as the one from 0[redacted].
Best regards,
Reported by GetHuman7351332 on सोमवार, १८ अप्रैल २०२२, दोपहर ४:१७ बजे
I have been using the service for almost three years and have always followed all the rules diligently. Recently, on the 2nd of May, I received a notification that my account has been banned. I have not violated any community guidelines at any point. Despite purchasing a premium subscription multiple times, I encountered issues while trying to buy a new super boost. The transaction failed several times, and I had to use Google Play to eventually complete it. I am disappointed to be banned from an app that has connected me with many amazing individuals who have had a positive impact on my life. I kindly request assistance in restoring my account. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman7401972 on सोमवार, २ मई २०२२, रात ९:२४ बजे
I reported an abusive and offensive user on OkCupid. However, I was banned within a week for reasons that are untrue. They claimed I breached the terms and conditions, but I have not been hateful, rude, or offensive to anyone on the platform. I was a subscribed user, which recently expired, and was planning to renew my subscription until I got banned.
I have reached out to their support, but they have not provided any evidence of my violation and have been unprofessional and rude in their responses. I was in contact with a potential date on the site, and now I have no way of reaching them due to the ban.
The ban is unjustified, and the support staff has been ignoring my emails, which is frustrating.
Reported by GetHuman-nuphase on शुक्रवार, १३ मई २०२२, सुबह ७:१८ बजे
My case has been registered with OK Cupid as case #[redacted], now updated to #[redacted]. I am experiencing difficulties with upgrading my account. Despite seeing the option to "Upgrade Now, $6," the application indicates that I am already subscribed at $[redacted].99 when I attempt to upgrade. When trying to manage my subscription, I encounter errors stating "can't connect." Even after attempting to close the upgrade prompt, I notice blurred Likes notifications. Responding to Sheryl's email, I clarified that my billing was processed through my Amex card via Apple Pay. Apple has confirmed the transaction with order # MT51J72H74 and document # [redacted]71, amounting to $[redacted].03 on 5/31. Despite Amex confirming this charge, the additional fee for the Preferred service seems to be overlooked. On the computer site, I see options for "Don Basic" and "Don Preferred," but I am unable to access details for upgrading or fixing these issues. While I can view messages from women on the computer, I am unable to see who likes me or respond to them. Sheryl's response from OKCupid has not resolved these problems. I believe this is a system-related issue and request assistance in rectifying the account and resolving the $6/month upgrade charge discrepancy for the Preferred service. Thank you for your help. - Don G.
Reported by GetHuman-dongleas on गुरूवार, २ जून २०२२, दोपहर ३:२० बजे
I recently opened an account using the email "[redacted]" on the OkCupid app. Upon downloading the mobile app, I encountered a recurring "it's not you, it's us!" message, which was puzzling. Despite managing to access the app eventually, I faced continuous issues while providing information and shaping my profile. Surprisingly, even though I received a match, the same problem persisted, leading to my account being unexpectedly banned.
As an LGBTQ+ bisexual female, I had only engaged positively with questions about international dating and religious views, with modest photos of myself on my profile. I am unsure why my account was banned, as I made efforts to respect privacy and had not violated any policies. I hope this was a misunderstanding, considering I received the error message even before fully utilizing the app for the first time. Your assistance in investigating this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your attention.
Reported by GetHuman-ecegonen on रविवार, ५ जून २०२२, शाम ५:२५ बजे
I recently bought the three-month basic plan on OkCupid. However, when I attempted to access information about who liked me, I received a message offering me the premium plan for an additional 7.99. Thinking this was an upgrade from my initial 90 payment for the basic plan, I proceeded with the purchase. To my surprise, I later discovered I was charged over [redacted] extra for the premium plan, totaling much more than anticipated.
Feeling misled by the messaging, I believe I deserve a refund for the premium purchase. This situation has led me to lose money unknowingly, and I suggest this feature be clarified to prevent further misunderstandings. Clarifying the upgrade process is crucial to prevent customers from feeling deceived, especially those already on a basic plan.
Reported by GetHuman7558263 on मंगलवार, २१ जून २०२२, शाम ७:३१ बजे
On June 13th, I purchased a subscription to OkCupid Premium for €43.99. However, I quickly canceled this subscription on June 16th for various reasons. Firstly, I felt scammed because the supposedly invisible profiles without a subscription turned out to be from people not even in France or Europe, after my payment went through. I have screenshots to prove this deceitful practice. Secondly, I encountered women on the platform who admitted to offering paid encounters - essentially, they were escorts. This was very unexpected as I believed OkCupid was a trustworthy site. Due to these fraudulent activities and encountering escorts, I canceled my subscription promptly. I have evidence of all these issues and would like a refund of the €43.99 stolen from me.
Thank you for addressing this matter swiftly.
L. F.
(For your reference, here are the details for expedited action:
Lionel F.
27 Rue des Francs Bourgeois
[redacted] Paris
June 13, [redacted]
App Store
OkCupid - Dating App
OkCupid Premium (Monthly)
Renews on July 13, [redacted]
Report a Problem
Incl. 20% VAT
VAT charged at 20%
Reported by GetHuman7558704 on मंगलवार, २१ जून २०२२, रात ९:२६ बजे
I recently had my OK Cupid account enabled a few weeks ago. I had been a paying member and enjoyed using the app. Suddenly, my account was disabled, even though I always followed the rules and had respectful conversations with others. I am confused as to why this happened. I have always abided by OK Cupid's guidelines and treated others well. I am hoping that my account can be reinstated so I can continue connecting with people on the app. My email is [redacted] and my name on OK Cupid was Lars. I am willing to provide any additional information if needed. Thank you for addressing this matter.
Best regards,
Reported by GetHuman-lschlot on रविवार, ३ जुलाई २०२२, रात ११:१६ बजे
Hi there,
Following a challenging divorce, I decided to reenter the dating scene. Using OKCupid, I attempted to start a relationship, but realized I wasn't ready, and we opted to remain friends. Now, a year has passed, and I am ready to give it another try. Nonetheless, I am unable to create a new account as the site indicates that my number is already in use, reflecting the truth. Are you aware that in certain countries like the Netherlands, phone numbers are reassigned once a contract is terminated? This could lead to issues for individuals attempting to sign up for dating platforms.
I have a couple of inquiries:
1. Have you considered the phone number recycling practice in some countries like the Netherlands where a number may be used by a new user after the former user changes it? This could create difficulties for those attempting to join your site.
2. Is there a way for me to create a fresh profile? I acknowledge the measures in place to prevent fraud, but I am a genuine individual looking to make connections. I am open to providing any necessary verification. While I understand the need for caution online, it would be appreciated if everyone was not treated as a potential problem.
Warm regards <3
Reported by GetHuman-jantienn on सोमवार, ४ जुलाई २०२२, दोपहर ३:२७ बजे
I received a message from a woman who responded to my like. Melissa wrote to me:
“Wow, quite the message... I love the sun and going to the beach, that pool sounds fun. I do not have a car; I live in Manhattan.”
I am trying to respond to her message. I am in the Messages / Your Turn screen. The message I am trying to send to Melissa is:
“Thanks for your response. I used to live in NYC most of my life, and I am well aware that most NYC residents use subways or buses for transportation, not cars. For most people, maintaining a car in Manhattan is too expensive. It was a long shot. The scenario I was describing will not work out. I wish you good luck connecting with an appropriate partner near you.”
Each time I attempt to send this message by hitting the ENTER key on my PC keyboard, nothing happens. I never get the “sent” confirmation. I also tried changing the option from “press enter to send” to “click to send,” and still nothing happens. I can’t send this message no matter what I try. How are two people who like each other supposed to communicate on OkCupid if their messages don’t get transmitted properly by your system? I paid for a PREMIUM account for one month; my subscription won’t expire until July 27. But sending messages is supposed to work even in the free version of OkCupid (after both people send likes to each other). I didn’t have any trouble sending my original message to Melissa, and she didn’t have any trouble receiving it because she responded to my message. Why can’t I send my next follow-up message? I have been trying on and off all day (Saturday, 7/9/22) to send this message. If I can’t send it, can you please send my message to Melissa, so she knows I no longer intend to communicate with her in the future? (Since I encouraged her to communicate with me, she has probably been expecting some sort of response from me for a while). I am trying to be courteous and polite, not just ghost her by stopping all communication without any explanation.
My profile username on OkCupid is FunnTopp. My email is [redacted] Please send your response to [redacted]
Melissa’s profile shows that she is 26, from Manhattan, with a 77% match rating with FunnTopp.
Please explain why your messaging system is not working. This kind of malfunction does not inspire great confidence in your platform. Why should I waste my time trying to set up likes and matches on OkC
Reported by GetHuman-funntopp on रविवार, १० जुलाई २०२२, रात २:०९ बजे