Customer Service Issues

Archive 1

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about customer service, archive #1. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported October 24, 2015 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I forgot which email I used to create my blog that was made 4 years ago. It's embarrassing, and I want to delete it. Can you all provide hints to help me find the email address associated with my blog? I still have access to my blog website. Can you check which email I used to create it? Do you offer personal assistance via email to share the registered email address for my blog? Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-lollipo on शनिवार, २४ अक्टूबर २०१५, सुबह ५:१३ बजे
Around [redacted] or [redacted], I had a blog on Blogger named I later purchased the domain for two years. Unfortunately, I cannot locate this blog on my Blogger account, and it seems I have lost access to the original account. When trying to access, Google indicates it cannot find the server, likely due to unpaid domain fees. The blog contained precious photo scans of my grandparents' love letters, which now seem to be lost after a move. I am eager to retrieve my photos or renew the domain. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman-amylie9 on बुधवार, १६ दिसम्बर २०१५, दोपहर ४:५३ बजे
I have a domain with Godaddy and followed a blogger's instructions to set it up. I managed to link the domain to my blog, however, when I try to view it with the new domain, I'm being redirected to a Godaddy page. I'm unsure why this is occurring and I need to resolve it promptly. I am unable to find a solution at the moment. Thank you, M.
Reported by GetHuman3208 on शुक्रवार, १९ फ़रवरी २०१६, शाम ७:३३ बजे
Hello, my name is Michael Hooker. I have a blog where I work with ads and templates for the menu. Currently, I can only view my blog, The End Times Blogspot. I am unable to make any new changes to posts or pages, as the sidebar menu and options at the top of the pages are missing. Additionally, the ads are not showing. I would appreciate it if you could help me resolve this issue. Thank you, Michael Hooker.
Reported by GetHuman-mhooker on मंगलवार, २२ मार्च २०१६, शाम ७:४८ बजे
I am the Yolo County Special Advocate representing a minor child mentioned in this post. I have a court order authorizing me to request the removal of this sensitive content. Ms. Hensley, a child victim, deserves privacy. Police departments and news outlets have already removed her information. I kindly ask you to take down this post as she is now applying to colleges, and her juvenile record should remain confidential. Ms. Hensley is innocent and was a victim of the individual, who was convicted and deported. Please delete this outdated and personal information to support her brighter future.
Reported by GetHuman-sangersi on शुक्रवार, ८ अप्रैल २०१६, रात ११:३८ बजे
I have two blogs on, and I want to enable AdSense on the newer one. After reading the help forum, I initially thought I needed to cancel AdSense on the first blog as I thought I could only have one blog per account. Further research revealed that I could transfer AdSense to the second blog without cancelling the first one. I am struggling with the process and would appreciate guidance, as I am not very skilled in technical blogging. Thank you for your help.
Reported by GetHuman7290 on रविवार, १० अप्रैल २०१६, रात ११:४२ बजे
Hello, I am a company employee dealing with a situation where a former colleague's account needs to be reinstated. The account associated with blogging had numerous images that are now missing. I have recreated the account under the email "[redacted]," but I am seeking guidance on how to restore the account with the images included. Thank you for any assistance. Best regards, Dipesh
Reported by GetHuman-dipeshr on मंगलवार, १२ अप्रैल २०१६, दोपहर ४:४८ बजे
I bought a .com domain for my blog, and it redirects to my Blogger/Blogspot blog. I chose to allow nudity if necessary. There's now a panel warning about nudity, which hasn't been an issue before. Clicking "proceed" just refreshes the same page. It seems like Google might have some domain issues with Chrome, as it works on Firefox. Thanks. -"Emesis"
Reported by GetHuman-emesisva on रविवार, १५ मई २०१६, रात १२:१२ बजे
I write a comic blog called "The Greasers of Hazzick Flats" on Blogger under the URL [redacted] Normally, I post a new page every day, but today I encountered a problem while trying to upload a page. Despite trying repeatedly with different pages, none of them would upload. I contacted Geek Squad, who mentioned that Blogger or might be experiencing some technical difficulties. They recommended waiting a few days before attempting to upload again. I was unable to find a contact number for assistance, so I'm requesting for an agent to reach out to me. My phone number is [redacted]. Thank you. Barbara C. W.
Reported by GetHuman-chandba on शनिवार, १९ मई २०१८, शाम ६:३५ बजे
I have had the blog on your platform,, for over ten years, but I haven't updated it since [redacted] due to my busy schedule with activism. I urgently need to remove the last blog entry and add a new one since Congress unanimously passed H.Con.Res.72 on 9/25/18 regarding the safety of children of divorce when abuse is alleged. I require assistance with adding and deleting content without having my account number. My cell number may not be in your records - [redacted], but you might have my new house number, [redacted], as we moved eight years ago. Ensuring the protection of our children in courts is paramount, considering their well-being impacts everything. It's crucial that all states pass similar resolutions like CA's recent one, advocating for safeguards to protect children in divorce situations. Let's work together to update my blog to raise awareness about this important issue, with the aim of pushing other states to follow suit.
Reported by GetHuman1358774 on बुधवार, १७ अक्टूबर २०१८, रात १:४८ बजे
Hello! I created a blog over the summer called "Thinking in Confetti" with the domain I remember purchasing a custom domain for it. However, at some point during the blog creation process, I lost access to it on the Blogger homepage when clicking "View Blog." I receive a message saying, "Cannot connect securely to this page." It has been several months, and I need access to this blog for a university class. I am frustrated because I paid for a custom domain and a unique website design. I want to resolve this issue promptly since I have invested my hard-earned money into this project. Any assistance is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Reported by GetHuman-korriedw on बुधवार, ९ जनवरी २०१९, दोपहर ४:५१ बजे
I interconnect my main blog with my other blogs by embedding links within the posts on my main blog. Utilizing the tile layout enhances the visual appeal particularly when viewed on a desktop. Currently, when a user selects a picture on the tile layout of the main blog, it first opens the post, requiring an additional click on a link or picture to reach the other blog. I aim to streamline this process and eliminate the extra step. My goal is to have users directly redirected to the other blog after clicking on the picture in the main blog, bypassing the need to navigate through the post first before accessing the external link.
Reported by GetHuman-lordand on शनिवार, ३० मार्च २०१९, दोपहर १:२५ बजे
Hello, My name is Zahid Hussain. I have a Blogger account linked to the email address [redacted] Lately, I've been unable to access my Blogger account, even though my Gmail and YouTube accounts are working fine. Whenever I try to sign in to Blogger, the page refreshes without letting me in. I'm concerned about this issue. Could you please look into it and help me resolve this problem? Thank you. Email: [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman-zahidhol on गुरूवार, ४ अप्रैल २०१९, दोपहर ४:३५ बजे
I am the owner of an activist blog addressing corruption, stalking, and harassment by the Bismarck police. My blog named "BismarckSucks" aimed to shed light on these issues without being threatening. Unfortunately, it was unjustly deleted despite containing evidence of police wrongdoing and city misconduct. I am seeking to have it restored or at least backup the content for my impending court case against the City of Bismarck, ND. The blog merely highlighted the harassment I faced while criticizing the city government. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Reported by GetHuman2889716 on बुधवार, ८ मई २०१९, रात ११:१० बजे
I accidentally made the page width very narrow when using the trackpad. Now the text appears shrunk and is in a narrow column. I tried zooming in, but it only increased the overall size of the page, not the column width. The text is now smaller than usual with large white spaces on either side. I want to widen the text column back to its normal size. The blog looks fine for everyone else, but when I work on the blog in Blogger, it appears too small for me to read comfortably.
Reported by GetHuman4057290 on शनिवार, ७ दिसम्बर २०१९, दोपहर ३:२२ बजे
Hello, I have a question regarding creating a blog for earning money through AdSense for someone under 18. Is it possible for the account receiving payments to be changed to the individual's own account once they turn 18? Essentially, can the teenager switch the parent's name and account with their own name and account so they can receive the earnings directly? Thank you for your help!
Reported by GetHuman-juliescm on शनिवार, १४ दिसम्बर २०१९, रात ८:४३ बजे
I have followed the steps provided by Google's Account Recovery Tool multiple times, but it still fails to recognize my blog ownership. Despite reaching out to Blogger's help center, my issue remains unresolved. I am seeking assistance from customer support via email or chat. The email and phone number associated with my blogs are outdated, and I have hesitated to update them to avoid losing access to my blogs. Unfortunately, my activity on the blogs has been minimal due to personal reasons, and the phone previously used for account recovery has been replaced. Verification codes are being sent to the old phone number and email, which I no longer have access to.
Reported by GetHuman-afcjen on मंगलवार, १७ दिसम्बर २०१९, शाम ५:२४ बजे
I'm experiencing difficulties recovering my Blogger account, feeling trapped in a cycle with no way out. Accessing my decade-old blogs, where I've invested much effort and research, is crucial for me. Unfortunately, I can't reach my old email associated with the blog and can't update the necessary information since I'm locked out. I'm a writer and artist, not a tech expert, so much of the advice on the community forum is too technical for me. It's like expecting a patient to self-diagnose and ask unqualified peers to perform surgery. I've forgotten the password for the old email where verification codes are being sent, and my recovery phone is outdated due to a recent switch. Despite multiple attempts with the Account Recovery Tool, inputting verification codes, and proving I'm human, I still can't access my account. Trying to change my email password through Microsoft is also challenging since I only used the email for blogging. My full name matches across profiles and recovery forms. I would prefer speaking with live customer support at Blogger to address this complex issue.
Reported by GetHuman-afcjen on गुरूवार, १९ दिसम्बर २०१९, रात १:४६ बजे
I am facing issues accessing my Blogger account due to using an outdated email and phone number for log-in verification. The old email linked to my account is forgotten, and I solely used it for logging into Blogger. My blogs hold a decade of valuable content, and I have always appreciated Blogger's features and services. Despite being away for a busy year, I cannot recall the last password used. I have filled out the Account Recovery Tool repeatedly, sought help in the community forum and help desk, but have been unsuccessful in accessing my old email for verification codes. I tried to update my contact email but struggle to do so without customer support besides the Account Recovery Tool and community forum.
Reported by GetHuman-afcjen on गुरूवार, १९ दिसम्बर २०१९, शाम ६:५६ बजे
I have a webmaster in Dallas, TX, though I reside in Virginia. Upon receiving an email from GoDaddy about renewing my web hosting subscription, I authorized a 3-year renewal for $71.64 for "Website Backup 10GB - Renewal." Unexpectedly, my credit card was also billed $[redacted].64 for "Economy Linux Hosting with cPanel Renewal." Upon disputing this charge with my credit card company, my webmaster mentioned I do not require this hosting as my site is on Blogger with free hosting. However, GoDaddy claims my site will crash if I cancel this charge. I am seeking clarification on whether Blogger will maintain my site if I cancel the Linux hosting. Any insights on this situation would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your assistance. - Laurie S.
Reported by GetHuman-lucertol on शुक्रवार, २० दिसम्बर २०१९, रात १०:५५ बजे

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