If you are calling regarding your AT and T wireless or cell phone service, press one. All other callers, press two."
I've noticed that my phone seems to lag a lot, and it's not that old, but I suspect the problem stems from my 5G because it works fine when it's on Wi-Fi. Therefore, the issue must be with the network, and I want to talk to AT&T about what they can do about it. I'm paying for the data plan, so it would be nice if I could actually access data when I am away from my house.
At first, I was concerned about how long I would be on hold because there are so many different reasons that people could call AT&T, but it didn't take that long. AT&T offers so many services like cable, internet and mobile cell phone service that there are dozens of reasons people may need help from technical support. The automated system makes it easy to get through the system and to someone who can help.
When I first called, I heard the standard AT&T ringtone, and then it greeted me with, "Welcome to AT&T. If you are calling regarding your AT&T wireless or cell phone service, press 1. Otherwise, press 2." I pressed one, and then it asked if I was calling about the number I was calling from, and when I confirmed that was true, it said, "Thank you. Please wait while we process your request." A few seconds passed, and it asked, "What's the issue you are calling about?"
After a brief pause while I thought, I said, "The Internet is slow." There was another pause, and then it said, "I used the number you are calling from to look up your account. Are you calling about your wireless phone service?" This seemed silly since I have basically answered this question twice, but I went ahead and said yes again. Then it said, "One minute, please, while I handle your request. For security, tell me the account holder's passcode. You can also say, I don’t know it." I did know my passcode, so I said it, and then it told me to wait a minute while it got an agent.
At this point, it was just under two minutes, and it only took a few seconds for Jackie to answer the phone from technical support. While she couldn't fix the problem from her side, she offered me some troubleshooting ideas that I plan on trying. In the future, I would suggest not calling from the phone you want to troubleshoot, as that was impossible to do, but I'm hoping it gets faster now.