The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about California Franchise Tax Board customer service, archive #1. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported October 27, 2015 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
In April, I filed my taxes online and the state portion went through, but the federal did not. After amending the federal return, my state refund decreased, and I received the original state refund. I paid the excess amount by credit card along with the amended return, but I received a check for the overpaid amount. I want to return the overpaid portion to avoid any fees or interest. What should be my next step to rectify this? Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-eflavet on मंगलवार, २७ अक्टूबर २०१५, रात ११:१३ बजे
As an employer, we need to update our address. Currently, we are experiencing delays in receiving garnishments because they are sent to our old address from 15 years ago. After numerous attempts to contact the FTB through various phone numbers, no one answers the calls. The live chat always seems to have technical issues. We managed to speak to someone at the main FTB line, but we were directed to update our address with the Personal Income FTB as the main one pulls information from there. Please provide guidance on the steps to update our address accordingly.
Reported by GetHuman1112 on बुधवार, २७ जनवरी २०१६, शाम ७:५९ बजे
I would like to inquire about the status of our [redacted] California State tax refund through e-file.
In March, for the second time, my spouse and I filed jointly with a specific tax preparer. Upon leaving the office, we realized one document was missing, which I promptly emailed to her that evening. After not receiving our refund for a month, I attempted to contact her multiple times via email and phone. Eventually, she responded indicating that I had forgotten to resend the document in March. Upon researching, I found that the initial email was sent in error. I promptly resent the correct PDF, to which she replied that she would finalize and send our return on May 10.
Despite our efforts, including calls, emails, and scheduling an in-person appointment at her office, which she missed, there has been no progress. Just recently, when contacting the IRS, I discovered that there is no record of our [redacted] electronic filing. I am seeking assistance with this matter.
Reported by GetHuman-created on सोमवार, २ जुलाई २०१८, शाम ७:४९ बजे
I recently received a letter addressed to Worldradio, Incorporated claiming I failed to file a tax return for [redacted]. However, we sold the magazine back in [redacted] to CQ Magazine and I closed the corporation after filing the final tax returns for 2[redacted], which showed a loss of $[redacted].00. The confusion seems to stem from the fact that the payroll company did not update the payee information for Martin Publications, Inc., which was the paymaster for another one of our magazines. I attempted to reach out for assistance via telephone, but the automated system was unhelpful. It would greatly improve the service if there were live agents available to assist with such matters. I kindly request you review your records, confirm the dissolution of the corporation, and retract the demand letter.
Helen N.
Reported by GetHuman-hlnoble on सोमवार, २ जुलाई २०१८, रात ८:०४ बजे
I recently received a notification stating that my LLC needs to pay last year's fee plus a penalty of $[redacted].79 for being late. However, I am positive that I paid the fee in March of last year. Strangely, I received a refund of $[redacted] without any explanation. Upon examining the copy of the check I originally sent, I discovered that it was mistakenly noted for the year [redacted]. The voucher, created by a professional tax preparer, bears the correct date. I submitted a copy of the correct check to appeal the penalty on 4/26/18. Despite my efforts, I received another penalty notice, claiming no action was taken after the initial notification. I believe I should not be penalized as I did send the payment on time, although it was mistakenly refunded. I am disheartened by this situation and seek assistance. My business is TMK Management LLC. SOS Number: [redacted][redacted]. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, E. Lau.
Reported by GetHuman-echoutlo on सोमवार, ९ जुलाई २०१८, रात ९:४९ बजे
I am facing a situation where my employer is running a tax scam. He is not allowing some of our security guards to fill out W-4 forms and refuses to pay them. After losing the contract, he owes me approximately $1,[redacted]. He has blocked my calls and has done the same with other employees. Reviews on Arriva Best Security website in Beverly Hills, California reveal that he has been mistreating people for over four years. One of my co-workers was also not allowed to fill out their W-2 form and never received their paycheck after four weeks. Luckily, I managed to fill out the forms and was paid, but now he has disappeared and is not responding to any attempts to contact him. It seems he has a history of this behavior as he was previously in trouble in Texas for similar issues.
Reported by GetHuman492048 on मंगलवार, ७ अगस्त २०१८, रात ८:०० बजे
I briefly had a business venture with a friend from November [redacted] to July [redacted]. Over the past two years, we have been dealing with harassment over owed amounts, despite only making $[redacted]. Recently, we received a surprise letter regarding late filing in [redacted], the first notice we've received. After a 3-hour wait with the FTB, we are struggling to resolve this issue or speak to a human. Our previous letter took weeks to receive a response, and the charges are increasing. We are worried about the lack of earlier contact and feeling targeted. Previously, a Power of Attorney assisted us with varying demands, but he is currently unavailable. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman1033024 on शुक्रवार, २४ अगस्त २०१८, रात ८:२३ बजे
The Franchise Tax Board continues to send me notices implying I have income from mortgage payments without paying taxes, despite being on disability for 20 years from a work-related injury as a firefighter. My income is non-taxable disability, supported by evidence I've repeatedly sent. They claim their system can't mark my account for this permanent status, yet can flag me for taxes each year. Trying to contact them results in long waits and disconnections. It appears dubious to me.
Reported by GetHuman1110870 on शनिवार, ८ सितम्बर २०१८, रात १२:२२ बजे
I recently received a "Final Notice Before Levy and Lien” regarding my Personal Income Tax in California for [redacted] (Account number [redacted]).
I do not have any tax obligations in California since I have never resided or earned income there. I faxed an explanation on August 16, [redacted].
Despite informing them of my situation, money was still withdrawn from my savings account.
Reported by GetHuman1187810 on रविवार, २३ सितम्बर २०१८, शाम ५:५० बजे
I had an issue with an eBay seller in New York who mistakenly linked my account to PayPal. This led to duplicate charges on my card and bank account in May. The seller even took money from me under the guise of a refund, requesting my card details and OTP. Despite giving him a friend's US bank account information for the refund, he insists on needing additional personal details to transfer the money. When confronted, he mentioned hacking my friend's account to send the refund.
I escalated this to PayPal, and they intervened by contacting the seller and changing his bank account from Morgan Stanley to Wells Fargo. Despite these efforts, the seller remains uncooperative.
For anyone experiencing similar issues, please report this seller to the New York or San Jose eBay headquarters immediately.
Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-goxroll on बुधवार, २६ सितम्बर २०१८, सुबह ६:१५ बजे
I had an issue with an eBay seller in New York who disrupted my account connected to PayPal. Due to their negligent system maintenance, some customer orders were mistakenly charged to my card and bank account back in May. The seller even managed to take money from me under the guise of a refund by requesting my card details and OTP. Despite my efforts, the seller has not reimbursed me the correct amount.
I tried to provide an alternative solution by offering a friend's US bank account with the routing number, but the seller insisted on sensitive details like the card information, CVV, and address, threatening to hack their account for the refund.
I've raised multiple disputes with PayPal, and they've taken action by contacting the seller and making them change their bank account from Morgan Stanley to Wells Fargo for easier money transfers.
If you encounter the seller with the email <[redacted]> and phone number +1 [redacted], please report them to eBay's headquarters in New York or San Jose immediately.
Reported by GetHuman-goxroll on बुधवार, २६ सितम्बर २०१८, सुबह ६:५२ बजे
Regarding my [redacted] taxes, due to rushing to qualify for a home purchase, I initially filed my federal tax return with the intention of amending it later, and I did not file a state return. The FTB reminded me to pay based on that hasty federal return. Although I was prepared to file the amendment, my tax preparer indicated she couldn't have it ready today. She suggested setting up an installment plan to start making payments, then she could finalize the amended return and adjust the owed amount. I need to take care of this arrangement today because my job is three months behind in paying me, making it impossible for me to handle my account being levied at this time. Not addressing this promptly would have serious consequences for me, so it's crucial that they understand my urgency to set up the installment plan immediately.
Reported by GetHuman1351414 on सोमवार, १५ अक्टूबर २०१८, रात १०:२६ बजे
I have been struggling to reach the franchise tax board without success. My income is solely from [redacted]% disability, as I have retired on medical industrial disability from the fire department for two decades. Despite providing documentation of my disability income from CalPers multiple times, they have wrongly claimed I owe taxes due to a mortgage. Recently, they even withdrew money from my account without justification. The frustrating part is their outdated system can't process permanent disability information, yet they manage to flag individuals for other debts. This one-sided approach seems unjust as they overlook individuals like me who don't owe taxes. It's disheartening that they don't compensate for wrongly collected funds. The unfair practices and lack of upgrades in their system over the past 20 years raise questions about their integrity.
Reported by GetHuman1110870 on गुरूवार, १८ अक्टूबर २०१८, रात १२:५२ बजे
I currently owe $14,[redacted].29, and I do not dispute this amount. I am requesting to have this balance, along with any additional penalties, spread out over a 4-month payment plan. I have been unable to work for over 2 months due to an injury and recently underwent a full knee replacement on November 22, [redacted]. I returned to work on November 5, able to put in approximately 4 hours a day. Even though the doctor recommended a 2-month rest period, my self-employment situation did not allow for it. Therefore, I am asking for the 4-month payment plan. I may be able to pay it off sooner, but I am confident in the 4-month timeframe. I want to ensure that this payment arrangement does not impact my credit, as my clients check my credit score regularly. I am willing to make a $[redacted].00 payment tomorrow as a show of good faith and am open to setting up an automatic repayment plan from my checking account. This is a new process for me, and I hope it can be accommodated given the circumstances caused by my accident on the roof.
Reported by GetHuman1525328 on गुरूवार, ८ नवम्बर २०१८, शाम ७:३२ बजे
I'm Tawan J Jones. I received my [redacted] state tax return in August, deposited it, but the funds were withdrawn the next day, voiding the check. After contacting you, you mentioned a possible check sent in March [redacted], which I never received. You assured me a new check would be issued and should arrive in November. In mid-November, I followed up and was informed the issue was still under investigation, expecting the check by month-end. I'd like an update on the status of the new check as per our earlier conversations.
Reported by GetHuman1613983 on शनिवार, २४ नवम्बर २०१८, रात १२:४४ बजे
I discovered an old State of California refund check from [redacted] that had not been cashed. After contacting General Customer Service, I followed their instruction to send the check with a handwritten note explaining the situation to the returned warrant desk using a specific code provided by the CSR. Despite over 6 months passing, there has been no update on the status of my $[redacted] state refund. It came to my attention online that a business entity form is required for checks stale dated over 3 years, which I am not. When calling the business line, I was unable to get information without a tax ID number. Eventually, I found an individual form online to reissue stale dated checks over 3 years old. The original CSR did not mention this form, leaving me with no photos or mailing date for the check. I would greatly appreciate the reissuance of my $[redacted] check as I followed the customer service guidance provided, and this refund rightfully belongs to me. I am eager for a prompt resolution. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Reported by GetHuman-heisedev on सोमवार, ३ दिसम्बर २०१८, शाम ७:५४ बजे
I recently discovered an old State of California refund check from [redacted]. After contacting Customer Service, I was instructed to send the check with an explanation of why it was not cashed to the returned warrant desk, as advised by the CSR. It has been 6 months since I sent the check and note. The $[redacted] refund was for my state taxes in [redacted]. Upon researching online, I discovered a business entity form required for stale-dated checks over 3 years, which I am not eligible for as an individual. I called the business line and was unable to get help due to not having a tax ID number. I later found the individual form needed for reissuing stale-dated checks older than 3 years. The original CSR did not mention this form. I don't have a copy of the check, the mailing date, just the envelope. I would appreciate assistance in reissuing the $[redacted] check following the CSR's instructions. Please advise on the next steps.
Reported by GetHuman-heisedev on सोमवार, ३ दिसम्बर २०१८, शाम ७:५७ बजे
After receiving two letters from the French Tax Board, I realized that they were not a scam. I wasn't sure at first, but I believe it's about state earnings tax. The earnings in question are from [redacted], a time when I was dealing with my husband's heart attack and temporarily had to work to make ends meet. Normally, he took care of our finances and taxes. Now, as an 82-year-old with poor health and living on low income social security, I have no way to resolve this issue. Going to prison at this stage of my life is not something I would want. Sincerely, [initials].
Reported by GetHuman-btamasy on शनिवार, १५ दिसम्बर २०१८, रात १२:२१ बजे
Hello, I hope your New Year is off to a good start. I've been facing an issue with my driver's license being placed on hold for some time now. I made a payment to the FTB through "Official Payments Corporation" on October 18th at 8:17 am to resolve a forgotten traffic ticket. Unfortunately, the assistance I received over the phone was not very helpful. Despite providing the reference number for my ticket and case, my license still remains on hold with the DMV. I have visited the DMV four times and the courthouse twice to resolve this matter. The individual who processed my payment recorded some information incorrectly, including my address and city of residence. The total amount due was $[redacted].00, with confirmation numbers [redacted] for $[redacted].00 and [redacted] for $[redacted].00. I am willing to provide pictures of the receipts if necessary. It is crucial that I rectify this situation promptly, as my auto insurance was canceled due to my expired license. I am in dire need of assistance to resolve this matter. Thank you for your attention to this issue. Sincerely, Jon C.
Reported by GetHuman-creagach on बुधवार, २ जनवरी २०१९, रात ८:४१ बजे
A significant amount of money was withdrawn from my account without my knowledge. I spoke with Jose on either the 27th or 28th of February. During our conversation, he mentioned releasing the hold and sending me necessary paperwork to file in Texas. The funds taken included my rent and other bill payments, leading to a negative balance. I did not receive prior notice of any payment issues from your company and would have arranged a payment plan if informed. Jose assured me he sent a 540nr form and additional paperwork for tax assistance in Texas, along with releasing the hold at my bank. This financial situation has put me under significant strain, and I am eager to confirm the hold's removal to cover my rent promptly.
Thank you,
R. Ward
Reported by GetHuman-rachward on सोमवार, ४ मार्च २०१९, दोपहर ४:४९ बजे