The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about customer service, archive #12. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported June 2, 2020 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I recently received a 44-day ban in Destiny for allegedly cheating, which I did not do. I'm fairly new to gaming, having only started playing on consoles a year ago. While playing with my clan friends in Destiny 2, I was banned for cheating in Trials of Osiris. However, I am certain that I did not engage in any cheating behavior. To make matters worse, another player involved also received a 44-day ban, while a third player got a two-week ban. I have submitted three appeals but have not received any response, which is frustrating. I lack the knowledge or skills to cheat in any game, so it's possible that one of my fireteam members was responsible without my knowledge. I believe this situation should have been investigated thoroughly before I was penalized. It's unfair that I, as an innocent player, was punished for someone else's actions. If the ban is not lifted soon, I may have to uninstall the game as I can no longer access the Crucible mode for seemingly no reason.
Reported by GetHuman4899933 on الثلاثاء ٢ يونيو ٢٠٢٠ ٠٢:١٠
After defeating the final boss in the Thorn quest, "The Chasm of Screams," the quest status in my directory did not update correctly. Typically, upon completing a strike for a quest, rewards are granted immediately after the "Mission Complete" message. Despite finishing the strike, I did not receive Thorn, and the quest still shows as incomplete. It took me about three hours to solo most of the strike before needing help for the boss fight. I suspect that we defeated Savathun's Song faster than the game expected, resulting in the issue. I utilized Celestial Nighthawk with bottom-tree Gunslinger to quickly finish off the boss before its shield activated. While unconventional, it achieved the goal of defeating the target. The quest merely demands completing the strike, which I successfully did. I have a video of the activity summary as proof and can share a OneDrive link upon request. My gamertag is SilkLeader1361. I hope for a solution where the quest can be marked as completed without having to repeat the entire process. Thank you, Josh.
Reported by GetHuman-qwertyxb on السبت ٦ يونيو ٢٠٢٠ ٠٦:٤٦
Hello! I am reaching out regarding the permanent ban on my account due to alleged cheating. I am confident that my account was compromised as I have always played fairly and never engaged in any form of cheating. I am not a competitive player and do not condone unfair gameplay tactics.
I suspect that someone gained access to my account through a phishing email I received previously, prompting me to verify my email upon login. Although I am cautious with such emails, I believe this may have been the point of entry.
I have taken the necessary steps to secure my account by changing my password and have also updated my email password after being unexpectedly logged out. Currently, I am waiting for Malwarebytes to complete a scan on my computer.
I kindly request your assistance in recovering my account so I can resume playing with my friends. I have been unable to play recently and genuinely miss the gaming experience. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Reported by GetHuman-luckyjos on الإثنين ٨ يونيو ٢٠٢٠ ٢١:٥٦
Subject: Brightness Settings and Mars Nodes in Destiny 2
Hello, my name is Todd, and I have two complaints about Destiny 2.
Firstly, the brightness setting in the game is not adequate for exploring dark areas. It's frustrating not being able to see clearly around you unless you use your Ghost in some places. I believe a solution would be to improve the lighting in these dark areas for better visibility.
Secondly, the Sleeper Nodes on Mars have disappeared. As someone with two exotic weapon quests that require opening these nodes, it's disappointing that they vanished with the latest update and new season. Both the Sleeper Stimulant and the other exotic weapon quest tied to the Sleeper Nodes are currently inaccessible without them. I hope there will be an update to rectify this issue and bring back all 40 Sleeper Nodes.
Reported by GetHuman-vecter on الأربعاء ١٠ يونيو ٢٠٢٠ ١٧:٠٤
I have just started a new season and played to finish my previous bounties. I received 10 new engrams but realized I had not spoken to the Drifter yet and needed to participate in a public event on Io. After completing the event and returning to the Drifter, I couldn't accept the initial Umbral engram from him due to lack of space. Unfortunately, I can't decode it or dismantle it. I am unsure of what to do next and would appreciate some assistance.
Reported by GetHuman4936729 on الأربعاء ١٠ يونيو ٢٠٢٠ ١٧:٣٧
In April, my Bungie account was restricted for [redacted] years. After investigating, I discovered that someone had stolen my Sony and email accounts and played Destiny 2, presumably doing something wrong. I have sent numerous tickets to Bungie to get unrestricted, but they have not responded. I am 41 years old, not a hacker, just an accountant who works over 9 hours a day. Playing Destiny 2 with my friends was my only way to relax, and now I can't access my favorite game. Please, someone help me get unrestricted.
Reported by GetHuman5074207 on الجمعة ١٧ يوليو ٢٠٢٠ ٠٦:١٧
Humans can easily detect cheating in games, but using AI could improve accuracy and efficiency in catching cheaters. A system like AlphaStar, part of DeepMind, successfully played StarCraft 2, showing AI's potential to oversee matches without accessing players' personal data. AI can operate faster and more effectively than humans, playing an equivalent of [redacted]+ years of games in a few months at accelerated speeds. Introducing AI overseers in all online matches could be the ultimate solution to eradicate cheating in video games.
Reported by GetHuman5123582 on الأحد ٢ أغسطس ٢٠٢٠ ١٢:٣٤
I have never hacked or glitched in Destiny. I was modding Red Dead Redemption 2 for single player using cheat-engine and a mod from nexus mods. While playing Destiny 2, I briefly checked for a mod at Banshee's but didn't use it. The next day, I was banned on Steam. I appealed with the mod files as proof, but received no response. I have invested [redacted] hours and hundreds of dollars into this game, so hacking is illogical. I enjoy the game and even bought it for friends. I prepared for the expansion and never cheated in Destiny, evident in my gameplay stats. I'm above average but not invincible. Please review my account thoroughly and reconsider the ban. I made a mistake by leaving mods running in another game, causing me to lose years of progress. Any assistance would be appreciated. Thank you. Best regards.
Reported by GetHuman-timmusi on الإثنين ٣ أغسطس ٢٠٢٠ ١٦:٤٩
In February, my PSN account, itsLumii_, got banned, which had my Destiny 2 account. I think my Bungie name was just 'Lumii.' I've created a new PSN account named 'isGenjiMetaYet' and repurchased most of my games, but I can't retrieve my Destiny 2 progress. It was my favorite game, and I had invested a lot of time into it before the ban. I'm hopeful that there's a way to transfer my account progress to the new PSN account. Thank you for reading this. I've provided my main email for any responses.
Reported by GetHuman5237815 on الأحد ٦ سبتمبر ٢٠٢٠ ٢٣:٠٣
My son recently downloaded a file from someone online, and after opening it, he has been banned from playing the game entirely. He has been a dedicated Destiny player for 5 years now, and receiving the game for his birthday meant a lot to him. Although I acknowledge that this situation is due to his actions, I am wondering if there is a possibility to have his account unbanned. It would be greatly appreciated if someone could reach out to me regarding this matter. I understand if a simple yes or no answer is the only response available. It's disheartening that Bungie tends to not respond promptly to support messages, even when they are not related to ban appeals.
Reported by GetHuman4439426 on الإثنين ٧ سبتمبر ٢٠٢٠ ١١:١٠
I attempted to do a crossover, but mistakenly linked my PlayStation account instead of my Xbox account. I tried to unlink the crossover save, but I received a message stating that it cannot be done within 75 days of purchasing silver coins. I need assistance rectifying this issue so that I can play Destiny with my friends.
Reported by GetHuman5351025 on الجمعة ٩ أكتوبر ٢٠٢٠ ١٩:٠٨
Destiny 2 PC Is Moving to a New Platform
I have a question about an email I received around 3 weeks ago regarding the migration process. The email mentioned that I can transfer my Guardians, gear, game progress, product licenses, and Silver currency balance from for free. I'm worried about potential issues on my laptop if I don't complete the migration. Any guidance would be appreciated as I'm not very tech-savvy.
Reported by GetHuman5364680 on الأربعاء ١٤ أكتوبر ٢٠٢٠ ٠٣:١٢
I recently tried logging into Destiny 2 and was surprised to find out that I have been banned from participating in any Crucible or PVE activities. The reason given was either due to a bad network connection or cheating, which is inaccurate. My teammates can confirm that there were no issues with my connection while playing. This ban seems unfair, especially since I reported a cheater and yet I'm the one facing consequences. I urge the support team to address this situation promptly as it is frustrating and unjust.
Reported by GetHuman5421214 on السبت ٣١ أكتوبر ٢٠٢٠ ١٨:١١
Hello! I'm Adam Chandler. I purchased the deluxe version of the Beyond Light Pre Order, and initially, it showed as owned. After about 3 weeks, I noticed it was no longer owned, and I had lost my credits. I contacted Xbox support, who confirmed my purchase but advised me to contact the refund center, which denied my request as it had been over 2 weeks. Despite explaining that I used cash to buy a Microsoft card and then used credits for the expansion, I was directed to contact my bank. I'm reaching out to see if Bungie could assist in restoring the expansion I bought or if there is another solution. I'm a dedicated player and would appreciate any help in resolving this issue before the game launches next week. Thank you for your assistance.
Reported by GetHuman5429736 on الثلاثاء ٣ نوفمبر ٢٠٢٠ ١٧:٠١
Hello, good morning. I am Ismael C. with a PS5 user ID (KRATOS-w7). I am a dedicated Destiny 2 player from the Eurodestiny clan, with [redacted] hours invested in the game. I wanted to share my team's experience during the recent 24-hour Crypt of the Deep Stone raid. Starting right at its launch, we worked tirelessly without rest to conquer each phase but faced a significant discrepancy in the final boss's difficulty between PS4 and PC. Despite trying various strategies, weapons, and modifiers, we were unable to defeat Taniks within 24 hours, leaving him with a sliver of health at the end. This setback has left us deeply disappointed after sacrificing time with family and personal well-being to tackle this challenge. I urge you to consider awarding my squad the emblem we strived so hard for, as a symbol of recognition for our efforts. I have documented our journey on my Twitch channel KRATOS_I7I for your review. Receiving the emblem would mean a lot to us and reignite our passion for Destiny 2. Thank you for your attention.
Reported by GetHuman5491994 on الأربعاء ٢٥ نوفمبر ٢٠٢٠ ٠٢:٣٢
I need help transferring my Forsaken DLC from to Steam. I had purchased it on but lost access to it after the transition to Steam. I took a break from Destiny 2 while it was on, but some friends recently decided to start playing again. I bought the Legendary Forsaken Edition but realized I couldn't download it on and that all DLC is now on Steam. I didn't migrate my content back then because I wasn't active in the game. I have proof of purchase from [redacted] when the Forsaken DLC was released. I would just like to have the Forsaken DLC transferred to my Steam account, even if it means my character resets.
Reported by GetHuman5532147 on الثلاثاء ٨ ديسمبر ٢٠٢٠ ٠٠:٣٨
I've been banned from accessing any PvP content due to my unreliable internet connection. This is the third time I've faced this restriction, but this time I was not even actively playing when it happened. I left the game running overnight and found the message the next day. Please investigate this issue for me as it has been a week now, and I really want to participate in Iron Banner before the season ends. I invested in Beyond Light expecting to enjoy all the content without restrictions.
Reported by GetHuman5548248 on السبت ١٢ ديسمبر ٢٠٢٠ ٢٢:٥٢
I pre-ordered the Destiny app online about two weeks before the start date. Since I started playing, I have had to delete and re-download the app 6 to 7 times because it keeps telling me it's corrupted. It's frustrating, especially since I don't have these issues with other games on my console. Every time there's an upgrade, it seems like my game has more problems. Before I purchased this app, I didn't encounter any of these issues. If this isn't resolved, I may have to stop playing your games and even speak out against your company. Sincerely, a frustrated player.
Reported by GetHuman5566224 on الجمعة ١٨ ديسمبر ٢٠٢٠ ١٦:١٧
I would like to request a refund for the game I purchased. I have reached out to your customer service multiple times, but never received a response. Since purchasing the game, I have encountered numerous issues with my console. Almost every other day, I receive a message stating that the app is corrupted and needs to be deleted and reinstalled, which I have done about 8 to 9 times now. Additionally, every time your company conducts maintenance and I perform an update, the app becomes corrupted again. These persistent problems have led me to believe that your employees may not be adequately skilled. I should not have to endure such frustration and stress over a video game. I have never experienced any such issues with other games on my console until I purchased this app.
Reported by GetHuman5569744 on السبت ١٩ ديسمبر ٢٠٢٠ ١٩:٠٣
I have been playing Destiny 2 since it was released. I live in a remote area with limited DSL internet availability, which impacts my gaming experience. Despite my efforts to improve my internet service, only one provider covers my region. I mainly play non-ranked games like Gambit because of my internet limitations. I recently encountered a situation where I feel unfairly penalized due to my location's poor internet quality. I am unable to change the internet infrastructure in my area, as it is not within my control. Therefore, I am requesting a refund for all expansions and silver purchases made, as I am facing ongoing challenges that hinder my ability to fully enjoy the game.
Reported by GetHuman-xrims on الأربعاء ٢٣ ديسمبر ٢٠٢٠ ٠٢:٢٧